Code of Ethics of UAB Daumantai LT

I. Introduction

UAB “Daumantai LT” (hereinafter referred to as the Company) management, aiming to ensure that the behavior of UAB “Daumantai LT” executives and its employees conforms to the highest standards of integrity, fairness, and transparency accepted in society, expressing strong intolerance for dishonesty or any manifestations of corruption in its activities, and striving to combat it, hereby confirms and undertakes to adhere to this UAB “Daumantai LT” Code of Ethics (hereinafter referred to as the Code), which establishes the principles of conduct and behavior, professional ethical norms that individuals working in the Company (hereinafter referred to as employees) must follow when performing their job duties.

The provisions of the Code are implemented based on related policies and procedure descriptions, including:

  • The procedure for implementing and monitoring the principles of equal opportunity policy.
  • Policy for the prevention of violence and (or) harassment.
  • Description of the internal reporting channel for violations administration procedure.

The provisions of the Code of Ethics are applicable and mandatory for all Company employees and interns (hereinafter referred to as Employees). Outside of working hours, employees should avoid situations where their unethical behavior could be associated with the Company and could harm its reputation.

II. Basic principles 

The company’s management and department heads, understanding their significant role in shaping the company’s culture and operational standards, take responsibility and commitment to create a safe working environment based on respect for the company’s employees, clients, and other individuals. They promote fairness, initiative, diversity of opinions, and continuous progress, ensuring equal opportunities for everyone in the professional field.


Employees’ fundamental rights are respected, and they are treated fairly and respectfully. Emotional support is provided to employees, and psychological and physical violence are not tolerated. Company employees must respect personal and family life.


Avoiding personal biases, employees perform their job functions without personal prejudice. Decisions are made impartially, thoughtfully, and objectively, without abusing the given responsibilities, avoiding emotions, considering the opinions of opponents, experts, and other objective factors.


Employees respect human rights and do not discriminate against individuals or social groups based on race, nationality, gender, age, physical disability, political views, philosophical beliefs, religious convictions, or family status.


Employees personally take responsibility for their actions and actively participate in problem-solving: reporting issues, addressing them within their competence, and assisting other colleagues. They perform assigned job functions according to their competence and follow instructions.


The company adheres to the principles of goodwill and mutual trust, striving to create a productive and friendly atmosphere.


The company has zero tolerance for any forms of corruption, actively fights against it, and makes maximum efforts to prevent any manifestations of corruption within the company.

III. Mutual relations

Employees are encouraged to be loyal to each other and strive to collaborate. Loyalty involves providing help, advice, openness, and transparency in communication with managers and other colleagues, implementing the goals set by leaders, and following their instructions.


Employees must communicate politely with colleagues, adhere to the principle that every person has the right to have their beliefs and express them freely, refrain from personal insults and/or humiliation, express comments about colleagues’ mistakes or job deficiencies in a respectful manner. It is forbidden to degrade or smear other employees, their work, duties, diminish their reputation, incite discord, engage in sexual or any other form of harassment, raise one’s voice, shout, speak disrespectfully, or behave unethically.


Company management and department heads should communicate politely, not emphasizing official hierarchical differences and not highlighting personal likes or dislikes. They should demonstrate that every employee’s opinion is valued, properly acknowledge employee achievements, express verbal and written gratitude for a well-done job, provide comments on mistakes and deficiencies in a courteous manner, help each employee integrate into the team, strengthen and improve a positive organizational culture where employees can freely express their opinions and contribute ideas.


To protect the company’s image and reputation, employees must use social media appropriately in both professional and private capacities. Outside of working hours, employees are recommended to behave according to universally accepted norms of conduct.

IV. Relations with other organizations, customers and society

Customer relations


  • Communicate and collaborate with tolerance, avoiding categorization and misleading statements.
  • Investigate every misunderstanding with the customer.
  • Provide high-quality, safe, and authentic products and quality services to business partners and consumers.
  • Equally value all interested parties.
  • Seek long-term and mutually beneficial relationships.
  • Expect that suppliers adhere to good practices in international human rights, working conditions, environmental protection, and anti-corruption activities.


Relations with competitors

  • Do not seek competitive advantage through unfair and disrespectful methods.
  • Follow principles of business ethics.
  • Operate in accordance with the provisions of laws regulating competition.


V. Norms of conduct

Interests Conflict

Actions and decisions are based on the principle of loyalty to the Company. Avoidance of conflicts of interest that could affect impartial decision-making or work is emphasized. Employees must avoid any actions, decisions, or situations where their personal, family, or financial interests could harm the legitimate activities of the Company or conflict with the Company’s interests.

Examples of situations that may lead to a conflict of interest include:

  • Close relationships (e.g., spouse, life partner, parents, close relatives, etc.) with other Company employees or business partners.
  • Close relationships with auditors responsible for certification.
  • Relationships with regulatory organizations making decisions about the Company’s activities.

Employees should act fairly, responsibly, selflessly, and avoid situations that could lead to conflicts of interest. The ability of employees to act objectively may be compromised if they have personal interests or commitments conflicting with the legitimate interests of the Company.


Gifts and Entertainment

The Company does not provide or accept gifts or services if they influence the recipient’s decision to the advantage of the company. Gifts, entertainment, and personal services to third parties can only be provided when their value is small and consistent with normal business practices. A gift, entertainment, or service is considered of small value if its retail market value does not exceed 150 EUR.


Employees cannot give or receive gifts, offer or accept entertainment, or any other personal benefits that could influence their activities related to the Company. Employees can only give and receive symbolic low-value gifts. A gift, entertainment, or service is considered of small value if its retail market value does not exceed 50 EUR. Employees can accept invitations to work-related receptions, cultural events, or meals if they do not create obligations related to work.


Direct or indirect offering, promise, or acceptance of a bribe is unacceptable. Any such actions should be immediately reported to the immediate supervisor or Company management.


Confidential Information

It is essential to ensure the protection of the company’s confidential information. Confidential information includes non-public proprietary, financial, technical information, as well as data about shareholders, employees, and clients. An employee must know what information is confidential, and if in doubt, must clarify it.

An employee cannot disclose information to another person not working for the Company unless authorized. Employees are also prohibited from disclosing confidential information to their family members and friends. Confidential information within the company should only be disclosed when necessary.

Employees cannot use confidential information for illegal purposes. They must also take actions to protect secret information from loss, theft, unauthorized use, or alteration. Employees leaving the Company must be reminded of their responsibility to continue safeguarding and not disclosing confidential information they learned while working for the company.

Each employee managing information about the Company’s products or services cannot disclose it until it is officially announced. They must also take measures to ensure the timely disclosure of Company information in accordance with the Company’s obligations.


Use and Conservation of Company Assets

Company employees are guided by the principle that Company equipment, communication and computer technology, cars, equipment, tools, measuring devices, work clothes, work tools, raw materials, materials, other material, energy, financial resources, and working time are used only for legitimate Company activities and business interests, unless Company laws allow their use for personal purposes. Employees must limit Company expenses as much as possible to use resources rationally.

Political and Public Activity

Company employees can participate in political and public activities, run for office in elections, lead election campaigns, raise funds, or otherwise contribute to the activities of a political party. However, these actions must be clearly distinguished from their work activities and responsibilities. Employees must ensure that their expressed political position is understood as their personal opinion, not the opinion of the Company.

Personal Data Protection

The Company respects the privacy of its employees, customers, partners, and other individuals whose data is processed, and implements technical and organizational measures to ensure that personal data is processed legally and no more than necessary to achieve the purposes of personal data processing. In carrying out its activities, the Company processes personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Republic of Lithuania Law on Personal Data Legal Protection, and other applicable legal provisions.




Support and Charity

The company provides support to individuals or organizations entitled to receive it. Priorities are given to institutions and organizations in the Kėdainiai district, as well as support for city and district events, environmental education for children and adults, cultural and sports activities, and healthcare promotion.

Support is directly provided to the recipients who use it for specific purposes in their activities.

We support projects that create and develop a healthy, creative, and socially responsible society.

Environmental Protection

We encourage employees to be environmentally friendly both at home and in the workplace by treating nature kindly, conserving energy resources, using non-toxic materials, and reducing and sorting waste.

The company, in adopting new technologies and striving for operational results, organizes production processes and activities to consume as few natural resources as possible.


Employee Safety and Health

Employees are trained and instructed to ensure their safety and health. At work, we follow the rules of occupational safety and health set by laws, regulations, and internal regulations.


By applying structural measures, technical equipment, initial and ongoing employee training, and closely cooperating with authorities, we ensure the safety of our employees and partners.

VII. Final provisions

If employees become aware of violations or suspect that the company’s principles of operation and code of ethics are not being followed, they should contact their immediate supervisor for advice or report to the Company via email at, or place a notice in the designated box in the Company’s premises labeled “Your observations, reports, comments.” Individuals can also consult with the company’s legal advisor or the employee responsible for human resources in the company.


The company ensures and guarantees the confidentiality of individuals informing about violations and takes all measures to protect those reporting potential violations of this Code from any negative influence or other consequences.


The Code is adopted and amended by the decision of the Company’s management.


The Code is reviewed at least once a year. In case of changes in the Company’s strategic directions, goals, market conditions, or other external/internal factors influencing the Company’s operations, the Code may be reviewed and updated as needed.


Approved by the Director’s Order No. T-12 on February 22, 2024.